Alex Morgan is the next U.S. soccer hottie

Times are a changing for U.S. women's soccer. The original booters with hooters - Mia Hamm, Brandi Chastain and Julie Foudy - have moved on but will be forever remembered for winning the 1999 World Cup when Chastain ripped off her jersey to reveal a black sports bra and a very toned body. Heather Mitts has long been a U.S. soccer hottie and Hope Solo is the current U.S. soccer sex symbol du jour. Ali Krieger, Carli Lloyd and Amy Rodriguez are definitely cuties as is the injured Lindsay Tarpley.

However, the future of sexy U.S. women's soccer is Alex Morgan. With great skill, this forward gave the team a boost in its win against Brazil. However, it is her toned body and world class smile that nets Alexandra Morgan a spot on the Sports Hotties blog.

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